Crochet sousplat: Tutorial and ideas

crochet sousplat tutorial and ideas

The sousplat is a very useful object. With the main purpose of placing under dishes at meals to replace the towel.

Souplast is a simple and easy option to make a beautiful table. The sousplat can also be used as a base for a centerpiece or even to decorate the wall.

Today we leave you some crochet sousplat ideas. There are ideas for all tastes and all styles.

  1. Crochet Doily Sousplat Tutorial
  2. Crochet sousplat graphics

Crochet Doily Sousplat Tutorial

Check out the step by step of a crochet sousplat here.


Crochet sousplat graphics

crochet sousplat ideas crochet sousplat ideas 1 crochet sousplat ideas 2 crochet sousplat ideas 3 crochet sousplat ideas 4 crochet sousplat ideas 5 crochet sousplat ideas 6 crochet sousplat ideas 7 crochet sousplat ideas 8 crochet sousplat ideas 9 crochet sousplat ideas 10 crochet sousplat ideas 11 crochet sousplat ideas 12

Pinterest images.

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