Mobius Twist Shawl and Hooded Cowl

Its been a while from our last article about the project like this, to be honest I have not been searching for this kind of things because I got blown away by other things but I exidentely bumped into the project and could not resist to make an article about it.
Today we are going to talk about crocheting this beautiful mobilus twist shawl and hooded coal.
This article is not about two different things twist shawl and hooded coal are the same thing in this project, that is actually what inspired me to make this post, So I hope that you are going to like it too and it so.
Mobius Twist Shawl and Hooded Cowl
> Check Here The Pattern < <

Share the article with your friends, tell them about your impressions and opinion, share the experience and if you create this gorgeous thing please show us the photos of your finished job.
Good luck and enjoy the workingtime