Easy Crochet bolero tutorial for girls

Boleros are perfect warm clothes to cover your shoulders on those cooler days, in addition, this is a garment that is often used with party clothes, because they protect you from the cold without spoiling the final result of your … Continuar a ler

Wonderful fancy crochet stitch- Step by step and how to use

There are lots of crochet stitch ideas that surprise with their beauty and originality. In addition to the traditional and more classic crochet stitches, there are options like the one we bring to you today. This is a fancy stitch … Continuar a ler

20 Lace Crochet Square Diagrams

Square lace crochet diagrams are special because of their delicate and wonderful details that make them perfect for doing certain types of crochet work. Crochet is a true art, full of variants and options and it is completely impossible to … Continuar a ler

Gorgeous graphics of simple women’s crochet vests

Vests are a very versatile garment that can be worn at any age and also for any occasion. It all depends a lot on personal style and the chosen model. Crochet vests are a super trend option, with a wide … Continuar a ler

15+ Crochet umbrellas with diagrams

Crochet is increasingly a way to create unique and different decorating ideas. A classic example, but still in vogue are the crochet Umbrellas. A wonderful idea that you can use in your home decor or party decor. Crochet Umbrellas can … Continuar a ler

Wonderful ideas of crochet curtains for the kitchen with graphics

Curtains in the kitchen are a way to add a touch of style to your decor. In the kitchen this point is often overlooked. The truth is that the curtains protect against excess sunlight, but they are also perfect for … Continuar a ler

Beautiful crochet napkin border ideas

Fabric napkins continue to be at the top of preferences for those who like to make a beautiful and decorated table. Some people use fabric napkins all year round, others only on special occasions like Valentine’s dinner, Christmas, Easter. Today … Continuar a ler

Inspiring crochet backpack ideas for kids- Free patterns

Crochet backpacks are perfect for pampering the little ones. In addition to being comfortable, these backpacks can be made with any theme, so you can make them with the children’s favorite theme. Animals, princesses, animated figures are just a few … Continuar a ler

Amazing Crochet Baby Bibs Patterns and Ideas

Bibs are something very useful and very important in the baby’s first years. They protect the baby and his clothes when he is being fed. In addition, they give style. Crochet bibs are a different alternative, and there are lots … Continuar a ler

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