Simple Dog Sweater with Tutorial

Simple Dog Sweater crochet

Thousands of crocheters are asking for pet sweaters. Truth is, you could use this same sweater for a cat but good luck getting your cat into it.

I know our cats would rip our eyes out if we tried. I would have liked to get our cats posing in my sweater but I think my life isn’t worth it.

Most of the requests come in telling me people are just looking for a basic design to understand how to create the coat as well as get the sizing right.

  1. How To Crochet Dog Sweater
  2. Dog Sweater Crochet Ideas

How To Crochet Dog Sweater


In the fairness of creativity, I didn’t design this dog coat. Eleanor Miles-Bradley designed this dog coat for Red Heart Yarns. In keeping with requests,

I decided to keep all stitches as single crochet to keep my tutorial basic to help newbie crocheters.

I haven’t changed any stitch counts or sizing.

I have also not changed any colours within my tutorial. You can change the colours if you prefer.

Dog Sweater Crochet Ideas

Dog Sweater crochet Dog Sweater crochet 1 Dog Sweater crochet 2 Dog Sweater crochet 3 Dog Sweater crochet 4 Dog Sweater crochet 5 Dog Sweater crochet 6 Dog Sweater crochet 7 Dog Sweater crochet 8


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